Quiet Time
7:15 AM |
Only God can tell a questioning heart to stop asking and start living out the answers.
-From Heart of My Heart by Kristin Armstrong
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We have a winner(s) and more fun Fall
5:56 PM |
Yep, I’m late posting the winner(s) aren’t I – I know I said I’d draw the name today but I was down with a Migraine headache and it’s still there – it even made me sick to my stomach for most of the day so I’m really sorry – I imagine you are all on pins and needles!
But first…those ole Pumpkins just keep showing up at my door – this one is a large one made from an old Wool blanket. And I bought some more Bittersweet – the 3+lbs I bought form e-bay was wonderful but I still needed a bit more to fill in spaces. I think I have enough now.
I bought it from THE CROW’S CORNER http://thecrowscorner.blogspot.com/
Now tell me how I could pass this fella up!!! I didn’t measure him but he’s about 11 inches round.
Here you can get an idea of the size. (I’m so unhappy with this hutch and what’s on it. The shelves are so close together you can’t put anything of size on them so there are just piddly things on it. I’m hoping Doug can remove one of the shelves – not sure which one though)
This Bittersweet is much larger and a darker orange than the first batch…and the branches are thicker too. (this is $10 worth – I think they had a fantastic price on it)
Oh there I go again…forgetting to post the winner(s)…you read right…more than one WINNER!
I can’t express how pleased I was with the response to my challenge – I never expected to get so many.
And the stories were wonderful – some were named for the obvious – some because of a family member – some from a street they live on…they all were inspired from something or someone in their lives.
This journey through blog-land the past 4 years has brought friends into my life I never would have made otherwise – never will meet most of them but reading about them, their families, their wishes, decorating, cooking – we even go through sadness and prayers together. What a wonderful family we have all become because of our blogs.
I hope you all learned something new from each of these bloggers and have made new friends to follow – I certainly have.
So on with the show so to speak.
Here’s the list of all those who participated – I hope if you haven’t visited them yet – please do so. They put a lot into this challenge.
1. Betty: http://bettyjcrowe-throughmybackdoor.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-colonial-homes-challenge.html
2. Lori: http://lori1971.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-beginning-of-frogs-lilypad.html
3. Sara: http://salmonfallsprims.blogspot.com/2012/09/salmon-falls-primswhere-name-began.html
4. Heather: http://thecountryschoolmarm.blogspot.com/2012/09/taking-challenge.html
5. Brenda: http://therustythimble.blogspot.com/2012/09/its-all-in-name-and-my-celebration.html
6. Christina: http://pendletonprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-colonial-home-blog-challenge.html
7. Cindi: http://cindiscountrycorner.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-colonial-home-blog-challenge.html
8. Amy: http://bumblebeelanecottage.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name-challange.html
9. Shannon: http://bumblebeelanecottage.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name-challange.html
10. Cucki: http://cuckistitchingcove.blogspot.com/2012/09/cuckis-blog.html
11. Vicki: http://wwwoutmywindow.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-first-post.html
12. Tammy: http://www.countrygirlathome.blogspot.com/2012/09/taking-challenge.html
13. Mildred: http://maplelanehouse.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-name.html
14. Tiffaney: http://www.foldedgingham.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-my-blog-got-its-name.html
15. Gina: http://catnapinnprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name.html
16. Stephani: http://www.frontporchprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-my-blog-has-this-name.html#comment-form
17. Goedele: http://gingerbreadgem.blogspot.be/2012/09/the-story-of-my-blog-im-participating.html
18. Wendy: http://ravenwoodwhimzies.blogspot.com/2012/09/ever-wonder-how-i-named-my-blog.html
19. Lauren: http://rugsandpugs.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-it-all-began.html
20. Donna: http://dirtymartiniqueensmusings.blogspot.de/
21. Laura: http://harvestlanecottage.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-i-chose-harvest-lane-cottage.html
22. Laura: http://rhodescreations.blogspot.com/2012/09/taking-colonial-home-challenge-giveaway.html
23. Beth: http://grammagaga.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-name-of-my-blog.html
24. Robin: http://thecrankycrow.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-cranky-crow-chronicles-or-how-this.html
25. Laurie: http://myhomefortheholidays.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-name-of-my-blog.html
26. Laurie: http://inmydreamsisee.blogspot.ca/2012/09/a-new-friend.html
27. Camil: http://primitivestars.blogspot.ca/2012/09/happy-hump-day-well-this-is-day-im.html
28. Linda: http://simplycountryseasons.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-i-choose-name-i-did.html
29. Barbara: http://nccabininthewoods.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-names.html
30. Ruth:
31. Tammy: http://aprimitiveplace.blogspot.com/2012/09/fall-decor-pt2-and-challenge-answer-why.html
32. Sue: http://primsue.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-my-blogs-name.html
33. Kendra: http://thestonehouseprims.blogspot.com/2012/09/its-all-in-name.html
34. Katie: http://alltheseboysx5.blogspot.com/2012/09/karens-challenge.html
35. Marie: http://www.primitivesbyoldeladymorgan.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-story-on-how-i-became-olm.html
36. Margaret: http://tillysfarmhouse.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-got-my-blog-name.html
37. Felicia: http://raggedycreations.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-blog-name.html
39. Angie: http://berryhomespunprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-blog-name.html
40. Tonya: http://myprimitivecreationsbytonya.blogspot.com/2012/09/karens-challange-how-did-i-come-up-with.html
41. Sandy: http://hobnobbers-sandy.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-we-came-up-with-our-blog-name.html
42. Pam: http://mabeljanes.blogspot. com/2012/09/mabel-janes.html
43. Denise: http://thekrazykraftlady.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-name-of-my-blog.html
44. Linda: http://adayatrememberwhenfarm.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-name.html
45. Pam: http://primsbythewater.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-got-my-blog-name.html
46. Patti: http://windingvine.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name.html
47. Annie: http://scrappalachia.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-my-blog-name.html
I want to apologize to Danice for omitting her blog on this list48. Danice: http://homespunhannahblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/all-about-this-blog.html
If your name is here in the WINNERS LIST please e-mail me with your full name and mailing address – I will get your gifts out to you just as soon as possible.
You each will be receiving one of my Mr. Jack Pumpkin Mats and a little surprise!
ongratulations ladies and thank you to everyone who entered. I
only whish I could give you all a gift for participating.
But first…those ole Pumpkins just keep showing up at my door – this one is a large one made from an old Wool blanket. And I bought some more Bittersweet – the 3+lbs I bought form e-bay was wonderful but I still needed a bit more to fill in spaces. I think I have enough now.
I bought it from THE CROW’S CORNER http://thecrowscorner.blogspot.com/
Now tell me how I could pass this fella up!!! I didn’t measure him but he’s about 11 inches round.
Here you can get an idea of the size. (I’m so unhappy with this hutch and what’s on it. The shelves are so close together you can’t put anything of size on them so there are just piddly things on it. I’m hoping Doug can remove one of the shelves – not sure which one though)
This Bittersweet is much larger and a darker orange than the first batch…and the branches are thicker too. (this is $10 worth – I think they had a fantastic price on it)
Oh there I go again…forgetting to post the winner(s)…you read right…more than one WINNER!
I can’t express how pleased I was with the response to my challenge – I never expected to get so many.
And the stories were wonderful – some were named for the obvious – some because of a family member – some from a street they live on…they all were inspired from something or someone in their lives.
This journey through blog-land the past 4 years has brought friends into my life I never would have made otherwise – never will meet most of them but reading about them, their families, their wishes, decorating, cooking – we even go through sadness and prayers together. What a wonderful family we have all become because of our blogs.
I hope you all learned something new from each of these bloggers and have made new friends to follow – I certainly have.
So on with the show so to speak.
Here’s the list of all those who participated – I hope if you haven’t visited them yet – please do so. They put a lot into this challenge.
1. Betty: http://bettyjcrowe-throughmybackdoor.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-colonial-homes-challenge.html
2. Lori: http://lori1971.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-beginning-of-frogs-lilypad.html
3. Sara: http://salmonfallsprims.blogspot.com/2012/09/salmon-falls-primswhere-name-began.html
4. Heather: http://thecountryschoolmarm.blogspot.com/2012/09/taking-challenge.html
5. Brenda: http://therustythimble.blogspot.com/2012/09/its-all-in-name-and-my-celebration.html
6. Christina: http://pendletonprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-colonial-home-blog-challenge.html
7. Cindi: http://cindiscountrycorner.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-colonial-home-blog-challenge.html
8. Amy: http://bumblebeelanecottage.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name-challange.html
9. Shannon: http://bumblebeelanecottage.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name-challange.html
10. Cucki: http://cuckistitchingcove.blogspot.com/2012/09/cuckis-blog.html
11. Vicki: http://wwwoutmywindow.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-first-post.html
12. Tammy: http://www.countrygirlathome.blogspot.com/2012/09/taking-challenge.html
13. Mildred: http://maplelanehouse.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-name.html
14. Tiffaney: http://www.foldedgingham.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-my-blog-got-its-name.html
15. Gina: http://catnapinnprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name.html
16. Stephani: http://www.frontporchprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-my-blog-has-this-name.html#comment-form
17. Goedele: http://gingerbreadgem.blogspot.be/2012/09/the-story-of-my-blog-im-participating.html
18. Wendy: http://ravenwoodwhimzies.blogspot.com/2012/09/ever-wonder-how-i-named-my-blog.html
19. Lauren: http://rugsandpugs.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-it-all-began.html
20. Donna: http://dirtymartiniqueensmusings.blogspot.de/
21. Laura: http://harvestlanecottage.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-i-chose-harvest-lane-cottage.html
22. Laura: http://rhodescreations.blogspot.com/2012/09/taking-colonial-home-challenge-giveaway.html
23. Beth: http://grammagaga.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-name-of-my-blog.html
24. Robin: http://thecrankycrow.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-cranky-crow-chronicles-or-how-this.html
25. Laurie: http://myhomefortheholidays.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-name-of-my-blog.html
26. Laurie: http://inmydreamsisee.blogspot.ca/2012/09/a-new-friend.html
27. Camil: http://primitivestars.blogspot.ca/2012/09/happy-hump-day-well-this-is-day-im.html
28. Linda: http://simplycountryseasons.blogspot.com/2012/09/why-i-choose-name-i-did.html
29. Barbara: http://nccabininthewoods.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-names.html
30. Ruth:
31. Tammy: http://aprimitiveplace.blogspot.com/2012/09/fall-decor-pt2-and-challenge-answer-why.html
32. Sue: http://primsue.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-my-blogs-name.html
33. Kendra: http://thestonehouseprims.blogspot.com/2012/09/its-all-in-name.html
34. Katie: http://alltheseboysx5.blogspot.com/2012/09/karens-challenge.html
35. Marie: http://www.primitivesbyoldeladymorgan.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-story-on-how-i-became-olm.html
36. Margaret: http://tillysfarmhouse.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-got-my-blog-name.html
37. Felicia: http://raggedycreations.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-blog-name.html
39. Angie: http://berryhomespunprimitives.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-blog-name.html
40. Tonya: http://myprimitivecreationsbytonya.blogspot.com/2012/09/karens-challange-how-did-i-come-up-with.html
41. Sandy: http://hobnobbers-sandy.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-we-came-up-with-our-blog-name.html
42. Pam: http://mabeljanes.blogspot.
43. Denise: http://thekrazykraftlady.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-name-of-my-blog.html
44. Linda: http://adayatrememberwhenfarm.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-name.html
45. Pam: http://primsbythewater.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-got-my-blog-name.html
46. Patti: http://windingvine.blogspot.com/2012/09/whats-in-name.html
47. Annie: http://scrappalachia.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-i-came-up-with-my-blog-name.html
I want to apologize to Danice for omitting her blog on this list48. Danice: http://homespunhannahblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/all-about-this-blog.html
If your name is here in the WINNERS LIST please e-mail me with your full name and mailing address – I will get your gifts out to you just as soon as possible.
You each will be receiving one of my Mr. Jack Pumpkin Mats and a little surprise!
ongratulations ladies and thank you to everyone who entered. I
only whish I could give you all a gift for participating.
Hmmm, I Think I Like You
9:55 AM |
This light caught my eye while looking for another fixture on West Elm today. Thoughts?
Simple yet striking
6:16 AM |
designer furniture,
mid century modern,
Photographer portfolio,
scandinavian design furniture
A distinctly simple yet utterly striking Scandinavian apartment to celebrate the weekend. If you could choose one fabulous designer item from this home, what it would it be?
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Photography: Bohman & Sjöstrand Stylist: Johanna Lavén via Solid Frog |
With kind permission from Bohman & Sjöstrand and found via lovely blog Solid Frog.
Before I head off, just a little reminder that you only have a couple of days left to make the most of the 10% My Scandinavian Home reader offer from the fab shop Bodie and Fou! - code MSH2012.
Have a really great weekend all!
Fall is here! Only 1 day left for challenge
6:11 AM |
YES….ONE MORE DAY LEFT TO JOIN MY CHALLENGE…so far there are 43 wonderful bloggers who joined.
Their stories of how they began their blog and came up with their names are so fun to read. Some are the obvious and some we would never guess how they came about.
On Saturday the 29th when I post the name of the WINNER – or it could be 2 WINNERS…I will also put a list of blog links to all the blogs who participated.
This has been a fun challenge and I so appreciate all who joined in. BUT THERE’S STILL TIME….you could be a winner of something or some things…who knows what this girl will do or how many names I will draw…keep you guessing huh?
Here’s the link if you want to join in….http://mycolonialhome.blogspot.com/2012/08/a-post-challenge-that-will-have-winner.html
There are no rules to follow…just simply post how you got your blog name and then send me the link to THAT POST.
So on with my Fall decorating. Still waiting until Sunday to find something to put the flowers in for the brick area at the back entrance – for now I just have it all sitting on the wicker chair and ground..not bad but not what I want either. So wish me luck at the flea market on Sunday. It’s the last one for the year so if I don’t find it there it won’t happen.
On with the pictures…
I still need to put the Witch sign on the twig wreath on the house – and put the tall can of dried flowers someplace. Not sure where they will land as of yet.
(click on photos to enlarge them)
This area WILL NOT stay this way – just need something for height here
See the Pumpkin in the corn stalks…he’s on a very long stake but Doug wouldn’t let me display him any place (didn’t even want me to buy it!) so I stuffed in down in the stalks and I guess I actually like it where it is rather than just stuck in the ground. Thanks Doug!!!
I ordered some Bittersweet on E-Bay last week…3+ lbs. for $24.00 and is it wonderful. They don’t cut it until they are ready to ship…very good quality too. They give you a couple long vines, a few twisted ones and several small bunches. I’d order from them again.
Remember the Gooseneck Gourds from last week…I added some Bittersweet and now I like them so will keep them on the fireplace. Not sure what I’m going to do on top of the mantle…maybe nothing.See how plain they look here…
Much better now aren’t they?
I took double photos of some things showing the Bittersweet right after I put it out and then the next morning – all popped out!
I left some of the leaves on for some of my displays– I like it that way.

The grain box is on my coffee table with the gourds from last weeks show
Areas in the kitchen
I so love my fabric Turkey from last weeks show…and the corn – probably one of my most favorite purchases this year

Don’t care for this but not going to change it
Random pictures of the dining room

That’s it for me today – hope you are having as much fun getting ready for Fall as I am. I’m finished I think (well, except for the outside thingy I want to find – but if not I’m not going to stress over it.)
The weekend is coming up fast and so is the end of September – didn’t it just start???
Enjoy and blessings
Their stories of how they began their blog and came up with their names are so fun to read. Some are the obvious and some we would never guess how they came about.
On Saturday the 29th when I post the name of the WINNER – or it could be 2 WINNERS…I will also put a list of blog links to all the blogs who participated.
This has been a fun challenge and I so appreciate all who joined in. BUT THERE’S STILL TIME….you could be a winner of something or some things…who knows what this girl will do or how many names I will draw…keep you guessing huh?
Here’s the link if you want to join in….http://mycolonialhome.blogspot.com/2012/08/a-post-challenge-that-will-have-winner.html
There are no rules to follow…just simply post how you got your blog name and then send me the link to THAT POST.
So on with my Fall decorating. Still waiting until Sunday to find something to put the flowers in for the brick area at the back entrance – for now I just have it all sitting on the wicker chair and ground..not bad but not what I want either. So wish me luck at the flea market on Sunday. It’s the last one for the year so if I don’t find it there it won’t happen.
On with the pictures…
I still need to put the Witch sign on the twig wreath on the house – and put the tall can of dried flowers someplace. Not sure where they will land as of yet.
(click on photos to enlarge them)
This area WILL NOT stay this way – just need something for height here
See the Pumpkin in the corn stalks…he’s on a very long stake but Doug wouldn’t let me display him any place (didn’t even want me to buy it!) so I stuffed in down in the stalks and I guess I actually like it where it is rather than just stuck in the ground. Thanks Doug!!!
I ordered some Bittersweet on E-Bay last week…3+ lbs. for $24.00 and is it wonderful. They don’t cut it until they are ready to ship…very good quality too. They give you a couple long vines, a few twisted ones and several small bunches. I’d order from them again.
Remember the Gooseneck Gourds from last week…I added some Bittersweet and now I like them so will keep them on the fireplace. Not sure what I’m going to do on top of the mantle…maybe nothing.See how plain they look here…
Much better now aren’t they?
I took double photos of some things showing the Bittersweet right after I put it out and then the next morning – all popped out!
I left some of the leaves on for some of my displays– I like it that way.
The grain box is on my coffee table with the gourds from last weeks show
Areas in the kitchen
I so love my fabric Turkey from last weeks show…and the corn – probably one of my most favorite purchases this year

Don’t care for this but not going to change it
Random pictures of the dining room
That’s it for me today – hope you are having as much fun getting ready for Fall as I am. I’m finished I think (well, except for the outside thingy I want to find – but if not I’m not going to stress over it.)
The weekend is coming up fast and so is the end of September – didn’t it just start???
Enjoy and blessings
My friend's lovely Malmö home
A good friend of mine, and fellow Skåne flee market scourer is selling her beautiful 1902 'Sekelskifte' apartment in the centre of Malmö. It will go on the market later today but I was lucky enough to get a sneaky peek! Sofia and her family are so clever at finding items in antique fairs, flee markets and bargain basements and then blending them in with designer pieces. It helps that the apartment has beautiful bones and a fantastic traditional Kakelugn (tiled fireplace) too!

![]() |
Bjurfors |
Such a pretty home. Anyone fancy moving to Malmö? The more the merrier!
PS link to actual page to follow once it goes live!
Client Kitchen
These pictures were taken in one of my favorite open spaces. The large light fixture was a gamble but I am glad we took it. It is a stunner when you walk into the space.
Perfect blend: rustic/ industrial/ contemporary
After 8 years in Sweden I thought I knew how to deal with the long winter; leave the country when the snow arrives! If you travel to the Canary Islands or Thailand around early spring you're bound to be surrounded by tanned Swedes stocking up on some much needed sun! But this Autumn I noticed something new- everyone's heading off now too. A holiday in September presumably to soften the blow of the end of the summer. Since I have missed the boat (litereally) I'm mentally transporting myself to this stunning home in Spain by architects / property developers Abaton (via 79 ideas) instead. It has just the right mix of Spanish rustic, industrial and modern designer elements to really soften the blow of the impending winter.
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Abaton via 79 ideas |
I spy Tom Dixon again in the form of the Beat Lights (just goes tp show how versatile Tom Dixon lights are - yesterday the Copper Shade Pendant looked at home in a retro style home, today the Beat Lights look fab in a contemporary minimalist home. The Wegner Wishbone Chairs also blend in beautifully. I could certainly see myself celebrating the end of summer here, could you?
Do you have any winter survival tips?!
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